Falling Into Place

On Monday morning, I was driving to work and contemplating what the day will bring. As I was doing so, a song came on the radio titled, "Just be Held" by Casting Crowns. As I listened to the words, this phrase stood out to me the most, "Your worlds not falling apart, it's falling into place." It got me thinking about the time Lucas spent in the NICU. The day after Lucas was born we were planning on going home and ready to find our new normal. Within hours, our plans changed and they wanted us to stay one more night. Heather and I were okay with that. The night came and about 15 minutes after falling asleep we were woken up by the nurses saying, "We have to take Lucas to the NICU." Our hearts began to race as they did not tell us much or why they needed to take him to the NICU. Shortly after he was taken to the NICU, a NICU nurse came up and talked to us and told us what was going on. We were assured that it was nothing major, just a few things they wanted to monitor closely. In the middle of the night Heather climbed into the wheelchair and I pushed her as we went to the NICU to see Lucas. It was hard to see him hooked up to many monitors and IVs going through his tiny hands. Even though it might have felt like our world was falling apart, it was actually falling into place. Heather and I talk often of our time there, not so much the worry and the pain, but rather the miracles we witnessed. Heather often tells me, "The whole week we were there, I felt a strength beyond my own." Even when plans feel like they are falling apart, they just might be falling into place.

David B. Cluff

Instagram • YouTube • TikTok | @davidbcluff
Life with a cochlear implant, finding identity, and documenting the silent moments.


Finding My Advocate Within


Finding Our New "Normal"